Benedict XVI goes to Brazil
We applaud the recent visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Latin America, determined to lay down church law on abortion. We have no idea whether the bishops of Latin America really needed that, but -- without question, many Catholics do need such a reminder.
We would, however, go further than he wished. It is not sufficient to warn Catholics of the errors of abortion. The Church really needs an examination of conscience regarding the messages that the Church sends out. Catholics need to see with their own eyes the deep commitment to life to which Christ is calling His Faithful. We need desperately to see the Church actively ministering to Children. There could be no better way for the Church to do that than to return the Sacred Mystery of Christ's Body and Blood to what it was originally, a pro-life sacrament, by a return to the practice of paedo-communion.
We do not doubt that there are many difficulties which such a return would involve. Certainly there would be priests who would refuse to minister to children, priests who would say they are too busy with other more important matters.
Perhaps we may be forgiven for believing this to be an important matter?
And there are those busy people who would object if the Sacred Mysteries started taking more of their time when all they want to do is hit the golf links as early as possible.
We feel their pain. But isn't the care of children more important than a round of golf?
To be practical, we would not wish to force priests to get involved in areas in which they have no interest. But in an age in which the Church is willing to create extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, priests do not need to get involved. Certainly there are virtual armies of pro-life parents who would jump at a chance to care for children. Employing their services in this vitally important ministry would mean that there is no real need for the Sacred Mysteries to take any more time than is now required. While the priest ministers to adults, they would minister to children. It's a win-win situation -- even for the man or woman who dreams of nothing beyond that important round of golf.
Finally there are those who find First Communion and all the activities revolving around it important social activity. We would not wish to force anyone to adopt the practice of paedo-communion. Thus it might be introduced as an option. Parents who feel that their children are ready to receive the Sacred Mysteries should be given that option -- even in the case of infants. We do not doubt that some brave parents would choose that option. We do not doubt that others would follow their example. And if every year the number of children involved in First Communion decreases, who would complain? They should always be given the option of following the current practice.
We do not doubt that if the supreme pontiff were brave enough to permit this return to the Gospel's message, many would find the ancient practice inspiring, as it truly is. There are few things which we find more practical and more inspiring than the words of the Gospel...
~ Mark 10:13-16
We would, however, go further than he wished. It is not sufficient to warn Catholics of the errors of abortion. The Church really needs an examination of conscience regarding the messages that the Church sends out. Catholics need to see with their own eyes the deep commitment to life to which Christ is calling His Faithful. We need desperately to see the Church actively ministering to Children. There could be no better way for the Church to do that than to return the Sacred Mystery of Christ's Body and Blood to what it was originally, a pro-life sacrament, by a return to the practice of paedo-communion.
We do not doubt that there are many difficulties which such a return would involve. Certainly there would be priests who would refuse to minister to children, priests who would say they are too busy with other more important matters.
Perhaps we may be forgiven for believing this to be an important matter?
And there are those busy people who would object if the Sacred Mysteries started taking more of their time when all they want to do is hit the golf links as early as possible.
We feel their pain. But isn't the care of children more important than a round of golf?
To be practical, we would not wish to force priests to get involved in areas in which they have no interest. But in an age in which the Church is willing to create extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, priests do not need to get involved. Certainly there are virtual armies of pro-life parents who would jump at a chance to care for children. Employing their services in this vitally important ministry would mean that there is no real need for the Sacred Mysteries to take any more time than is now required. While the priest ministers to adults, they would minister to children. It's a win-win situation -- even for the man or woman who dreams of nothing beyond that important round of golf.
Finally there are those who find First Communion and all the activities revolving around it important social activity. We would not wish to force anyone to adopt the practice of paedo-communion. Thus it might be introduced as an option. Parents who feel that their children are ready to receive the Sacred Mysteries should be given that option -- even in the case of infants. We do not doubt that some brave parents would choose that option. We do not doubt that others would follow their example. And if every year the number of children involved in First Communion decreases, who would complain? They should always be given the option of following the current practice.
We do not doubt that if the supreme pontiff were brave enough to permit this return to the Gospel's message, many would find the ancient practice inspiring, as it truly is. There are few things which we find more practical and more inspiring than the words of the Gospel...
And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them.
When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, "Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.
Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them.
~ Mark 10:13-16