Monday, August 15, 2005

Time, Evolution and the Dormition

Time Magazine's issue for August 15th includes an article about the current controversy regarding the Theory of Evolution and Intelligent Design. Aside from the purely technical description of the two ideas, the question is largely philosophical and theological.

Let us note, first of all the extreme hatred, which the advocates of Evolution have for Intelligent Design. They want to prevent the idea from being proposed to students, lest anyone come to believe in it. Why? Because they conceive it as being nothing more than a clever way to introduce the concept of God into a purely scientific discussion. Such a position makes little sense, given the fact that science depends on the free flow of ideas, regardless of their source.

Many say that there is nothing to keep Christ's faithful from believing in Evolution. God could have created the universe in whatever manner God wanted. If God wanted to create through random variations over billions of years then there would be nothing to stop God from doing that.

The conclusion, however, is untenable. But before we consider the reason for that, let us reflect on the fact that August 15 -- the very day on which this article appeared -- is the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos. Is it possible that the Most Pure, All Holy, Ever Blessed Virgin and Mother of God was the result of random variations and the survival of the fittest? The very concept is ridiculous. Random variation could never produce She whose womb is more spacious than the heavens...

In You, O Woman, Full of Grace,
the angelic choirs and the human race -
all creation rejoices! All creation rejoices!
O Sanctified Temple, Mystical Paradise and
Glory of Virgins, He, Who is our God, from
before all ages, took flesh from You and became
a child! He made Your womb a throne! A throne
greater than the heavens! In You, O Woman,
Full of Grace, In You, O Woman, Full of Grace,
all creation rejoices, all creation rejoices! All
praise be to You! All praise be to You! All
praise be to you!
Of course, one cannot expect the worldly philosopher to understand the principles upon which God's providence rests. But Christ's faithful, at least, ought to realize that there are no accidents. Everything has been provided for from eternity.


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